Exim Bank Board chairman takes Fistula ice bucket challenge

Exim Bank Tanzania Board Chairman, Yogesh Manek participated in the ongoing ice bucket challenge being conducted in support of the fistula campaign in Tanzania.
Speaking shortly before taking on the challenge, Manek said he has been moved to accept the challenge in recognition of the number of lives that are lost and disabilities created by the disease.
“I wholly accept this challenge with great honour because I know that my participation will save lives and help in securing a fistula free Tanzania,” he said. 
According to available data, more than 8000 women die from fistula, 160,000 disabilities created and over 40,000 children below the age of one (1) year die from this curable disease.
“Exim Bank has been supporting various community development projects, especially in the health, environment and education sectors and we are happy to be part of this campaign as well,” he went on to say.
“And today, I take this Ice bucket challenge to show our commitment as a bank to continue supporting such initiatives,” the Board Chairman asserted.
He highlighted some of the initiatives Exim Bank has embarked on to include,  donation of mattresses to the Mwananyamala Hospital, construction of a lavatory facility for Kilakala Primary School (for girls) and actively participating in environment conservation exercises across the country.   
He was also keen to mention that all Exim Bank employees have been very supportive to the ice bucket challenge.
“We couldn’t be more thrilled with the level of compassion, generosity and sense of humour that employees are exhibiting as they take part in this impactful initiative,” he said.
He reiterated, that the challenge, is also aimed at encouraging employees’ and corporate figures’ engagement in corporate social responsibility activities.
Exim Bank Board Chairman Manek was nominated for the challenge by the Managing Director of Airtel Tanzania Sunil Colaso.
 He in turn nominated Ali Mafuruki, Chairman and CEO of Infotech Investment Group, Shabir Abji, Chairman of New Africa Hotel and Veena Jog, Managing Director of Advent Constructions Ltd to take part in the challenge. 
Exim Bank is one of the largest banks in the country in terms of total assets. It boats 32 branches spread across 3 African economies.
Obstetric fistula is a childbearing injury caused by prolonged obstructed labor, without timely medical intervention – typically a Caesarean section – to relieve the pressure and remains a major cause of maternal death in sub-Sahara Africa