Ukawa: Sitta's powers to appoint Advisory Committee questionable

Chadema secretary general Dr Wilbroad Slaa shows contract documents signed between the state power utility, Tanesco, and Independent Power Tanzania Limited on Tegeta Escrow Account.
In yet another controversial development on the constitutional review, leaders of the Coalition of People’s Constitution (Ukawa) have turned down a crucial appointment by Constituent Assembly (CA) Chairman Samuel Sitta of members to the Advisory Committee slated to meet next month in Dar es Salaam.

Ukawa’s statement comes just a day after Sitta in collaboration with his Vice Chairman Samia Suluhu appointed 30 members of the CA to participate in the Advisory Committee meeting which will be held on July 24 and 25.

Addressing journalists in Dar es Salaam yesterday, Chadema’s Secretary General Dr Wilbroad Slaa said, the CA Chairman has no mandate to form the Advisory Committee because, according to him, Sitta has failed to manage the CA.

“How can the same leaders who failed to handle the last CA session be allowed to form and manage the Advisory Committee,” Dr Slaa queried.

He went on to claim that Sitta and his deputy, Suluhu have accepted a ‘different constitution draft’ to be tabled in the debating chambers and that they have also ignored views given by the Ukawa members.

“During the last session, Sitta allowed the tabling of a constitution draft which did not contain the people’s views to be discussed,” he claimed, saying it is this controversy that has led to the ongoing disagreements among the CA members.

Dr Slaa said the differences between the CA members is the result of poor management of the previous CA meeting, hence people have lost confidence in the performance of the CA.

“We have no quarrel with our fellow members, but we would like to insist that the only solution is to table the draft constitution that contains the people’s views and not the one under discussion now,” Dr Slaa demanded.

As far as he is concerned, the upcoming debate by the Advisory Committee will only be meaningful if it will be led by an independent leader and not Sitta, who he accused of biasness against opposition party members.

Dr Slaa went on to advise President Kikwete to intervene in the matter by either forming a new constitution commission or ordering the previous one to go back and seek people’s views one more time.

On his part, NCCR Mageuzi Chairman James Mbatia in an interview with a local television station said Ukawa’s decision not to return to the CA will “never change unless our demands are fulfilled.”

“Our walk out does not affect getting a new constitution,” he claimed “… but it is meant to ensure that our demands are considered,” he said.
Reached for comments, CA Chairman Samuel Sitta declined to speak.

According to a statement availed to the media on Monday, the CA Chairman Sitta in collaboration with his Vice Chairman Samia Suluhu appointed 30 members of the CA to participate in the Advisory Committee meeting to be held late this month.

The statement said the 30 member committee will among other things evaluate the work so far done by the CA and the work it expects to do when it resumes sessions next month.
It said the appointment has been done under Standing Order No 54 (4) and (5) of 2014.

The Constituent Assembly is expected to resume next month. It has so far worked on Chapters One and Six out of a total of 17.